‘Ohana Sports has a team registered to participate in a 250K Adventure Race in Tasmania in March of 2025. Here is more information about our team!

The Dream…

We’ve been doing Spartan Races for a while now and when looking for race options came upon ADVENTURE/EXPEDITION races! It was like a dream description - mixed teams (each team needs a woman), high miles, multiple sport disciplines (trek, kayak, bike, mountaineering) over multiple days, compass navigation receiving a map hours before the race starts! Here are the racers!

If you are interested in Sponsoring our team - here is a link for Online Donations and Sponsorships.

Sponsorships - https://www.ohanamartialarts.org/tuition/racing-team-sponsor

Donations - https://www.ohanamartialarts.org/donate


Captain, Medic, Race Logistics, Equipment Management, Bike Mechanic

Age 43


Races And Adventures Completed: Mt Sneffles Summit, Longs Peak 10K (Bike Damn Bridge to Trailhead and then Summit), Longs Peak Summit x2, Routeburn NZ, Queens Charlotte Track NZ, Keauhou Lavaman (Olympic distance), Hilo Half Marathon, Volcano Half Marathon, 400 mile challenge, Kau Coffee Half, Spartan Beast Oahu, Spartan Super Oahu (5th Place Age Group), Spartan Super London, Spartan Trifecta Seattle

Previous Sports experience: Basketball, volleyball, softball, weightlifting, Rock Climbing, Swimming, surfing, Biking, martial arts, OCR, Running

Passions: I’m passionate about being in nature, making sure my body can do the things I enjoy and leading teams in the work place, on the field, and in the gym!

Fears: Making mistakes that harm others, being the weak link physically



Nutrition Planner, Mule Duties, Race Logistices

Age 28

Races and Adventures Completed: 400 mile challenge, Spartan Oahu Beast, Spartan London Super

Previous Sports experience: Soccer Coach, 5+ Years Soccer Player, Weight Lifting, Gaelic Football (Irish), Hurling (Irish), Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Surfing and Biking.

Passions: I’m extremely passionate about sports, the mental and physical demands it entails. As I grow older, I would like to incorporate these into everyday life. To partake in events such as the ‘Adventure Race’ - to be in unfamiliar territory with limited resources, digging deep to accomplish the task at hand. To work with like minded individuals and rise to a new level. I want to become comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Fears: Jumping from Heights


Navigator, Equipment manager, Boat master, Bike Mechanic

Age 17

Races And Adventures Completed: Spartan Super Oahu (1st Place Age Group), Spartan Super London, Spartan Trifecta Seattle (2nd Place Beast Age Group)

Previous Sports experience: Martial Arts, Weight Lifting, Surfing, OCR

Passions: I’m passionate about being outdoors and exploring, as well as becoming the best version of myself I can and Just having fun.

Fears: Bringing people down.



Age 19

Previous Sports experience: Soccer, volleyball, Weightlifting, Rock Climbing, surfing, Sport Motorcycles, Skateboarding

Passions: motorcycles, Lifting heavy weights, stock market

Fears: not fully living

Brigette and Kelsey Takeuchi

Current Alternates

Twins Age 25

Brigette and Kelsey are mountaineering experts from Washington and claim the fastest Womens unsupported FKT in the Teton Circumnavigation route. Check their adventures at www.BrigetteTakeuchi.com

They spend as much time in the mountains as possible and especially enjoy back country Skiing.